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Showing posts with the label Ranching

When You Feed a Cow... Watch the Cow... Ian Mitchell-Innes

By  Ian Mitchell-Innes You feed the bacteria in the Rumen. The health of the Bacteria, will dictate: Performance, Immunity, General health... Carbon - pH - Protein - Energy - Water - Minerals... The cow knows where the best Energy is. Sometimes it is in the most unexpected plants. A cow will try and balance her diet, if given the selection. Grow unwanted plants. Plan for what you want. Use what you have. Planned Grazing, manipulating Time and Stock Density, will grow what you want. Same Paddock, two years later. Energy is the elusive part of the equation to achieve animal performance... A ruminant knows were the best Energy is.... Use this ability to plan your grazing. Monitor the animal... All Life needs Energy... Only animals can get the Energy through the soil surface. Action of grazing... Kinetic Energy, action of hooves on the soil surface... Symbiotic Energy, the Energy field around each animal... There is enough seed already prod...

Holistic Management - Mob Grazing - Ian Mitchell-Innes

  Holistic Management Educator using Mob Grazing - Manipulating Soil Fertility - Livestock Nutrition and Farming Ian Mitchell-Innes     Next - Animal Mineral Supplementation

Animal Mineral Supplementation - Ranching - Farming

‘ Energy is Money, Money is Energy, Time is Money and Water is Money’ Ian Mitchell-Innes ‘The Animal Tells The Story' Ian Mitchell-Innes Any supplementation given to Livestock, is a crutch to help you through a change, be it Environmental or Physical. It is to make sure you do not loose animal performance, while you the manager and animals, are going through a learning curve. To enable these seeds to germinate and grow, we need to change the Environment at soil surface level. There is no argument, that this can be achieved with livestock, by emulating what happened in the past, before man intervened with a rifle and barbed wire.  Next - Ranching and Ownership Responsibilities

Ranching and Ownership Responsibilities

Taking Ownership Many Ranchers and Farmers are now ready to make a change from the conventional, whatever that might be, for the area. The biggest problem is most are looking for a System or a Recipe. This might work in business, where most situations tend to be linear. When dealing with the Environment and Agriculture, managers are making decisions and dealing with Chaos. This chaos is complex and multidimensional and operates in ‘Wholes within Wholes, with interconnecting parts’. The only way to deal with this Chaos, is to remain totally flex able, using ongoing monitoring. For this to be effective, the manager needs to take ownership and responsibility of his/her decisions. There is a learning to this, as knowledge needs to be obtained, to understand why you are doing something and for what reason. The first thing to consider is animal performance, as this is the financial aspect of all livestock based operations. The Land and what grows on it, is a solar panel. Captur...

Mob Grazing - Ranching - Animal Nutrition

Energy is Money, Money is Energy, Time is Money Water is Money Any supplementation given to Livestock, is a crutch to help you through a change, be it Environmental or Physical. It is to make sure you do not loose animal performance, while you the manager and animals, are going through a learning curve.     There is increasing evidence, that we humans, particularly since the advent of barbed wire, have managed in such a way that we have reduced the effectiveness of our soils. The result being the plants growing on those soils, do not capture the amount of Energy from the Sun, which used to be captured. The loss of these plants is not as dramatic as we thought it might be, as Nature knew we were going to mess up and the seeds of those good Energy capturing plants are still in and on the soil. To enable these seeds to germinate and grow, we need to change the Environment at soil surface level. There is no argument, that this can be achieved with livestock, b...