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Showing posts with the label America

Slideshow - Climate Change is Real - The Inconvenient Truth

In 2009, Al Gore followed up with the publication of Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis , a book that "gathers in one place all of the most effective solutions that are available now and that, together, will solve this crisis". "It is now abundantly clear that we have at our fingertips all of the tools we need to solve the climate crisis. The only missing ingredient is collective will." 00:20:19 One thousand years of temperature history obtained from isotope analysis of ice cores. 00:16:08 Measured since 1958, atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) has been increasing steadily. 00:20:53 One thousand years of CO2 and temperature data -- the curves have similar shape. 00:22:49 650,000 years of CO2 and temperature history, from Antarctic ice cores. Dips record ice ages. CO2 concentration and temperature are related. CO2 has spiked upward in recent years. 00:23:53 If no changes are made, CO2 concentration is predi...