Taking Ownership
Many Ranchers and Farmers are now ready to make a change from the conventional, whatever that might be, for the area. The biggest problem is most are looking for a System or a Recipe. This might work in business, where most situations tend to be linear. When dealing with the Environment and Agriculture, managers are making decisions and dealing with Chaos. This chaos is complex and multidimensional and operates in ‘Wholes within Wholes, with interconnecting parts’.
The only way to deal with this Chaos, is to remain totally flex able, using ongoing monitoring. For this to be effective, the manager needs to take ownership and responsibility of his/her decisions. There is a learning to this, as knowledge needs to be obtained, to understand why you are doing something and for what reason.
The first thing to consider is animal performance, as this is the financial aspect of all livestock based operations. The Land and what grows on it, is a solar panel. Capturing the Energy from the sun, which is for free and converting it into an edible product. We use livestock to eat this product and convert it into a saleable commodity, which is meat, milk and wool etc.
‘The limiting factor to all animal performance is Energy’, be it re-conception or weight gain.
We can improve this solar panel, by sequestrating Carbon, covering the soil, improving soil life and growing plants which are more effective at capturing Energy from the Sun.
There is ‘nothing for nothing’ in this World, so it is important to fully understand what you are trying to achieve. If it is to save the World and use livestock as a tool only, to improve the soil, there could be a direct cost to you the manager, in loss of animal performance or having to buy a supplement. If you are paying Tax, this might not affect your bottom line as the Government will be paying for it, if not be very careful.
‘Energy is Money, Money is Energy, Time is Money and Water is Money’
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