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Rural Skills Development and Job Creation - South Africa

GeoSolEarth  is proud to be a part of rural skills development and job creation. Most of the areas we service are poor with high unemployment rates. The roads we travel on are gravel dirt roads and the areas lack electricity, sanitation and clean drinking water. We are however very fortunate to still see smiles on the faces of local kids and people... Our  Geotechnical Solutions  staff are always blown away by the warm welcomes and happy faces. Happy Faces at Dukuza High School... Emkhuphula Learners always had the most interesting stories... Skills Development and Job Creation in Emmaus... Empowering the Community within the Building and Construction Sectors... Learners at Nteneshana Primary School faces challenges of No Water and No Electricity... The little ones at Mzomusha Primary hardly left us alone... There is also a lack of classrooms and no maths or science teachers... Tugela Ferry - Msinga - Muden - Weenen - Job Crea